If you are interested in filming at one of the 200 mile events please follow these steps:
Review all rules in the Runner Manual for each 200 mile race(s) you plan to attend. All crew and pacer rules apply to media crews as well.
Acquire all necessary permits.
Fill out Media Request Form
Email Jess to notify her that you have completed your application at:
Once these steps are completed you will receive an email with follow up questions or the status of your request.
You need to fill out this form if you have a commercial (paid) film or photography crew including sponsor film crews/photographers filming for a brand, product or who are working for a payment or commercial video or documentary. You do NOT need to fill this out if you have a friend or family member who is taking photos or video of you for your own use. ALL drone use must go through this process, commercial or not as drone use is often restricted or prohibited in certain settings.